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Sunday, March 6, 2022

Female Tiger Kills Its Own Mate

Tiger kills his mate at the San Diego Zoo. A tigress died after being assaulted by her partner during a mating at the San Diego Zoo, when the interaction turned aggressive.

Malayan tiger died on Saturday from neck injuries and respiratory problems, the zoo said. It was the first meeting of the tigers, the only Malayan specimens in the zoo. Visitors to the park did not observe the attack.

"(The encounter) began as a friendly interaction between the cats. Unfortunately the dynamic quickly turned aggressive and zookeepers were unable to separate the animals," the organization said in a statement.

The tigers had rotated between the exhibit and their bedrooms to familiarize each other with each other's scent, zoo spokeswoman Jenny said. They had frequented and even sniffed each other while separated by a barrier, she added.

Their interaction led the keepers to believe that they were ready to interbreed.

There are 60 captive Malayan tigers in North American zoos, said Cassidy, general curator of the Omaha Zoo and Aquarium in Nebraska, which has two tigresses. Fewer than 500 Malayan tigers are believed to lead wildlife worldwide.

Fatal attacks are rare among cats, but their behavior can be unpredictable during mating, Cassidy said.

Tiga Tahun was born in 2009 at the Bronx Zoo.The tiger she was to meet was Connor, who was born at the San Diego Zoo in 2011. 

In November, a lioness died after being bitten on the neck by a lion at the Dallas Zoo in full view of visitors and families visiting the place.

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